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GLASS BLAST media – choice and USE?

Glass Media

Glass beads are manufactured with lead-free, soda lime-type glass, which contains no free silica and is made in the form of a ball. Glass beads produce a smoother and brighter finish than angular rubbing. Glass beads produce a clean, bright, satin finish without the dimensional change of blasting components. Glass beads can be recycled between about 30 and 40 times. Chemically unsafe and environmentally friendly, glass beads are an acceptable way of cleaning or removing surfaces when controlled. Glass beads are sometimes used to prevent any remaining ferrous material on the surface or to remove potential high peaks, which can remain even after employing a larger shot for deeper penetration.

Glass Bead Blast Applications

Glass beads can be employed without the dimensional variation of the component. They are widely available in size and are commonly used to honor cabinets, grinding, blending, blending, finishing, removing light burns, and blasting cabinets for cleaning foreign objects. ۔ Parts of thin-walled components, and especially those joined with thin welds, are obtained through the grinding process through glass bead media and relieve stress.


Crushed Glass Kit (Invasive)

The crush glass bowl is made from 100 re recycled bottle glass. Bitter glass performs better on casting/slag abrasion. The screening process is used to make different layers of crushed glass bitter.


The use of recycled glass benefits the environment by turning waste into landfill sites. Glass candles contain no free silica, they are non-toxic, inactive and do not contain heavy metals such as heavy metals that are not free from arsenic, lead, asbestos, beryllium, titanium, etc.

It produces a white, clean finish.

Blasting applications from crushed glass cuttings

Angular particles in crushed glass allow moderate aggressive surface profiling and removal of coatings such as epoxy, paint, kids, vinyl, polyuria, coal tar, non-stick coatings, and elastomers. Crushed glass can provide a very low profile, which produces on a white, clean and architectural stainless steel, the result of which is very aesthetically pleasing.

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